Abby likes to wear her Halloween costume—a princess dress—all of the time while she’s at home.

It was surprising how happy Preston was, being woken up from his nap. He was playing peek-a-boo behind the curtain in his room just one minute after being picked up.

Bath time! The kids really enjoyed being in the tub. Abby was trying to climb up on the support bar, but mom told her to be a good influence for her brother. Abby is a very good listener—and mom as right, because he was only two steps behind. As grandpa says, “monkey see, monkey do.”

Surprisingly, I did not ask them to pose for this photo. They kept hamming it up for the camera—so smiley. Wish you could have heard their laughter!

Preston babbled as he pointed to the photo. Not sure what he was trying to get across to us, but again, his expressions are priceless.

Bath time is over—let’s get dressed!

Abby decided that it would be a good idea to cut a huge chunk of her hair off recently. Can’t say I didn’t do that as a child. J So on one side, it’s uneven.

Getting ready to go to the laundromat.

The kids are right by her side as she loads the laundry.

"Insert Money"

The “toy room”. But can you really call it a toy room if there are no toys in it? There were a few colored bins, and so Abby entertained herself by stacking them, but that gets dull pretty fast.

Games. Of course they want to play, but how much money would you burn through in an hour?

They find ways to entertain themselves. Lots of room to run around and many things to climb on...

Or you can entertain them by giving rides J You have to love how much the two of them get along. It’s so sweet.

Mom’s always on top of the little details to make sure the kids are taken care of.

How much does Preston weigh?

Abby thinks she’s strong enough to carry Preston.

When mom ran out to put a few things in the car, they both ran to the door. It’s so sweet how much they love her, and miss her even if she’s only gone for a minute—and it’s so easy to see that they are her entire world.

Like mother, like daughter…

Taking care of the details, and once in a while having to stop to help the kids go to the bathroom, keep them from crushing their fingers in the machines, or figure out where they are hiding.

Suppertime at Burger King. Tonight is their paternal grandmother’s evening to see and take care of the kids, so they don’t have a ton of time until they have to run out to drop them off. Grandma works at 7am, so Dani's dad will go to pick up the kids really early in the morning.

Abby wanted to play, but also got scared once she was up there. Even though Dani tried to tell her how to get down, she still begged for mom to help her down.

Anything for the kids!
Dani is such a strong, wonderful mother. It was fun to spend time with her again, see how much she has matured, and to be blessed by her role as a mother.
WTF?? Thats hilarious. LULZ